Guest Post by Stephen Ainley Featured on a Popular Book Review Blog

Guest Post by Stephen Ainley Featured on a Popular Book Review Blog

Author Stephen Ainley wrote a guest blog about his sequel of Dennis Bisskit and shared the details about his freshly released book Dennis Bisskit and The Man From Paris With the Very Large Head. He shared that he is currently writing the third and possibly the last book in the sequel. He shared how he successfully writes humour and supplemented the blog with a praising review from Canadian, Book blogger, Leanard Tillerman. Dennis Bisskit and The Man From Paris With the Very Large Head is a humorous tale of Dudley’s finest private detectives set in 1969. A case comes up that baffled the police and services of the private detectives Bisskit and Blackshaw are needed. Stephen Ainley lives in Western Australia with wife Jane and Irish terrier O'Malley. He was born in Birmingham and in the 1970s he served in the British Airborne. In the late 1970s, he immigrated to the sunny lands of Australia.

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