Inger Brown’s ‘The Bobbling and The Flood’ is shortlisted for The International Rubery Book Award

Inger Brown’s ‘The Bobbling and The Flood’ is shortlisted for The International Rubery Book Award

The Rubery book award is the longest established book award based in the UK for independent and Self-Published authors. This year Inger Brown’s ‘The Bobbling and the Flood’ has been nominated for the best Children’s Illustration category.

It is a beautifully illustrated story of a Bobbling Poodle Doodle who sat at home when it was raining. It rained and rained until his home, garden and all the area around were flooded. He is forced to leave his home, with an umbrella in his hand and stylish red boots on his feet, he floats through the flood and meets different kinds of ducks, worms, and frogs,

His umbrella protects him from the rain and can also play the part of a boat when it is upside down. Bobbing decided to do something about the rain and it is when he sets out in search of a plug hole. Can he find the Plug hole and return home safely? We don’t know for sure but Bobbling is definitely on some kind of adventure over here.

Inger Brown was born in Cornwall and she grew up in Somerset. She attended Westcliff Art College. After College, she decided to pursue her career in writing and illustrating stories for Children. Her stories mainly include animals and the countryside.

She is also a bead artist and has designed many individual pieces of jewelry.

She is currently working on many more adventures for her character ‘Bobbling’.

Find out more about the nomination by clicking here.