John Parker’s Memoir Featured in Daily Mercury

John Parker’s Memoir Featured in Daily Mercury

Our incredible author John Parker’s amazing book From Cholera to Ebola got featured in a local newspaper, Daily Mercury, on 10th June 2020. The article praised the author for his book about his humanitarian missions around the world. To read the full article click here.

From Cholera to Ebola is an enthralling collection of true stories from Dr John’s missions around the world. Dr John Parker’s tells us about his experiences from refugee camps in Zaire, to been invited to witness a bonfire with The Taliban. He also talks about his battle with PTSD. His memoir will take you on a thought-provoking journey.

Dr John Parker was born and raised in Liverpool, UK. He medically trained at Edinburg University and initiated his clinical practice in Airlie Beach in Queensland. Later he ventured with the Red Cross and MSF on humanitarian medical missions in 3 war zones, 2 epidemics and various refugee camps. Recently, he has worked as SMO in the refugee camps and as a medical officer in Ebola Treatment centre in Sierra Leone.