Leonard Durso’s Istanbul Days, Istanbul Nights gets a spotlight on Brizzle Lass Reviews

Leonard Durso’s Istanbul Days, Istanbul Nights gets a spotlight on Brizzle Lass Reviews

The contemporary romantic tale by Leonard Durso, which gives a modern twist to Shakespeare’s ever green tale Romeo & Juliet, makes its way to Brizzle Lass Reviews. Set in the historic city of Istanbul, the book is about the journey of ten different characters from all over the world.

All the characters are finding their way through life and love but they remain stuck due to the cultural diversities. The fact that makes this book special is the beautiful re-portraying of romantic but tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet in a different setting altogether.

Leonard Durso goes about his job in simple and neat manner and the book has the captivating factor word after word. The blending of different characters and new situations with the old historic time is marvellously done.

Leonard is a New Yorker and has spent all his life serving literature and bookish activities. He once owned a literary bookstore in Los Angeles, ran English language programs in New York and Istanbul, wrote for a newspaper, and wrote advertising copy. He was a professional boy scout and is living in Turkey since 2008.

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