‘The Little Red Airplane’ is “Thoroughly Enjoyable”

‘The Little Red Airplane’ is “Thoroughly Enjoyable”

A review of ‘The Little Red Airplane’ appeared on Rachel Bustin’s Blog. The reviewer’s first impression was “The Little Red Airplane has a lovely smile with bright big eyes.”

One day on a picnic, Elly decides to explore and discovers something interesting. She finds a little toy airplane.

It looks very sad and it is broken. It needs a home and she gives him one. After taking it home, she gets the plane fixed up, painted and also gives it a name, Red.

Red falls in love with Elly and her family and all the animals that live on the property. They are all living happily when something tragic happens, Mother Hen’s loses her chick and Red is the only who can help find it.

Colorful illustrations and to the fun of the story and bright bold words make it easier for kids to read the book themselves.

It’s a beautiful children’s book that delivers an important message to kids. The plane shows what love and care can do for someone, even if it is a toy.

Heather discovered her passion for writing a bit later in her life. She is a studying Social Work and is married with five children. She also has five granddaughters.

Read the whole review by visiting the bloghttps://rachelbustin.com/books/the-little-red-airplane/