Mamamia Has Featured an Excerpt From Anita Link’s Abduction From My Beautiful Life

Mamamia Has Featured an Excerpt From Anita Link’s Abduction From My Beautiful Life

Our popular author, Anita Link, was featured by Australia’s largest women’s media brand, Mamamia. The website shared an excerpt from her memoir, Abductions From My Beautiful Life. The excerpt begins on day 5 after the birth of Anita’s first child. After going into a 33 hour labour on 2 hours sleep and not sleeping in the maternity hospital, Anita was extremely sleep deprived. The excerpt describes her deterioration, admission to a private psychiatric hospital, and the onset of what would develop into postpartum psychosis, .. You can read  the featured excerpt  here.


Abductions From My Beautiful Life is Anita’s story of her life so far, including her career as a small animal vet and her experience of developing Bipolar 1 Disorder after the birth of her first child. She relates the challenges of episodes of mania, psychosis, and catatonic depression, and the treatments and hard work it takes to return to wellness between episodes.  If you want to read more of this amazing book, click here.