Manx Radio interviews Nina Proctor of ‘G’Day Captain Jimbo: An Australian Adventure’

Manx Radio interviews Nina Proctor of ‘G’Day Captain Jimbo: An Australian Adventure’

An interview was held recently at Manx Radio Station of Nina Norman Proctor who was accompanied by her son Alex. The author talked about her latest publication and her inspiration behind writing the book.

‘G’Day Captain Jimbo’ is a very expedient book for the children who are interested in airplanes and flying. The book has a lot of information for the kids about airlines and other countries.

Join Captain Jimbo who is a wonderful pilot and Alex, his co-pilot in their flight from London to Australia. On their way to this beautiful country, you will meet a lot of new people who are full of fun and are absolutely lovable.

The book makes you imagine yourself in the situation and fuel your thoughts for the upcoming adventures.

The author Nina Norman Proctor is from the Isle of Man. She lives there with her husband and only son.

She has recently returned to her hometown after spending several years in the town of Harrogate and on the coast of Gibraltar.

She has a passion for traveling and interior designing enjoys to cook, read, sew and sunshine.

Watch out the full interview by clicking here.