Marc O'Brien, the Author of ‘The Final Fence’ received a Thank You Letter from a School

Marc O'Brien, the Author of ‘The Final Fence’ received a Thank You Letter from a School

Marc O’Brien received a thank you letter from the children’s school he visited. Marc visited Duane D. Keller Middle School in early December and delivered a motivational talk for the students about his journey of becoming an author. Acknowledging his contribution, he was sent a letter of gratitude signed by all the students who listened to his talk and got inspired.

The Final Fence: Sophomores in The Saddle, look at the life of the people who structure their thoughts before speaking their minds. When Eddie meets Danielle on the college campus, the discussion starts in the classroom on the Love of Horses and professor explains the relationship skills, ribbon and everything related to the horses. The book brings a message for youth to learn, respect and compassion.

Marc O’Brien studied in the Barry University in 1988, where he majored in Communication Arts. He took this skill and spun it around in a whole new way. He has put together his portfolio by writing fictional work that challenges the readers to really understand the lessons given by the writer.
