Matthew and the Magic Goat Read to Children During Movement Works’ Storytelling & Yoga Session

Matthew and the Magic Goat Read to Children During Movement Works’ Storytelling & Yoga Session

Author Carmen Powell’s storybook for children, Matthew and the Magic Goat, was read out to children during MovementWorks’ Pyjama Storytelling & Yoga session on July 27th, 2020. MovementWorks is a charitable organization aimed at optimising learning potential for individuals through inclusive dance-movement programmes. The Storytelling and Yoga session conducted through Zoom included yoga sessions and storytelling from the book; the hosts also displayed illustrations from the book to better engage the children. The story was well-received by the audience and the children loved the illustrations.


Carmen Powell is an award-winning teacher and Early Years Specialist; thus, she understands children especially ones with special needs. Her book, Matthew and the Magic Goat, is also based on a boy, Matthew, with a disability. Through her book, she gives the message of acceptance and inclusiveness for individuals with disabilities in society.


Get the book at 30% off today to read about Matthew’s superpowers.