Mel Marzan, the Author of ‘Raw’ Featured in the Gibraltar Chronicle Newspaper

Mel Marzan, the Author of ‘Raw’ Featured in the Gibraltar Chronicle Newspaper

The most prominent newspaper in Gibraltar (The Gibraltar Chronicle) approached Mel Marzan for an interview about her book release. The feature shared how the poetic work is reflective of the personal and emotional side of Mel.

Raw’ is a collection of poetry that sophisticatedly depicts the simple beauties of falling in love. The anguish, the despair, and the soft serenity of love all committed to paper. The intense emotions extracted from the mind of a lover and translated into heartfelt words that are capable of speaking to the soul.

Mel Marzan is a poetess who was inspired by American poet Andrea Gibson. She studied English Literature at school and enjoyed learning about poetry and poets. Her poetic work shows the innocence, rawness, and intensity of love. Her poems add freshness of diversity and unconventional taste to the literature.