Michael Binns got featured in The Chronicle Herald’s Article

Michael Binns got featured in The Chronicle Herald’s Article

The author of ‘Will From Melrose: A Romantic Trek Through a Web of Conspiracy’ got featured in The Chronicle Herald’s article “Book Shelf”.

The novel is set in the time when the Relations between Scotland and England were strained in 1317.

The book is based on the story of a Scottish Archer, Will. His father told him the heroic stories of fighting with England. He was keen to combat England and ran away from home to fight.

He was assaulted and abandoned to die. Instead, in a half-dead state, a young English lady Rachel found him in a village. She treats him back to health. Will falls for Rachel but she is English. Will uncovers a plot to assassinate the King Robert of Scotland but he is torn between the women he loves and his king whom he worships.

The author of this book Michael Binns was born and raised in Scotland. He got a Degree in Mathematics from the University of Edinburg. He immigrated to Canada in 1967 and worked there as a biometrician with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

He has penned various scientific papers and one textbook. His interests are history and writing. He is married and has two sons and five grandchildren.

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