The Nelly Bean Featured Robert Woods’ ‘Hunted’

The Nelly Bean Featured Robert Woods’ ‘Hunted’

Author J reviewed Robert Woods’ new book, ‘Hunted’ on thenellybean. The reviewer says, that she felt that the characters had made this book for her. She says that the characters are explained in depth and there is an attention to detail. She feels that the fictional characters fit into the post-apocalyptic scenario very well.

‘Hunted’ is a book about the survival in the times of an apocalypse when most of the earth’s population has been wiped out and only a few people are left. Mark is one of those survivors trying to survive in isolation at the edge of his hometown. He scavenges to save his life and something happens one day when he finds something on his journey that he had never expected. A child – completely helpless and on the edge of being the world’s next victim.

Mark knew what he had to do and he adopted the child. He took care of the child and raised him like his own. But he soon regrets his decision in the world full of torture and with no hope. They were faced by new threats every day and one far more dangerous that will push his decision to the breaking point.

Robert Woods was born in the UK in 1996. He studied Aerospace Engineering at the University of Southampton. He had a passion for fictional book writing since the very young age and this passion eventually combined itself in the form of ‘Hunted’ which is his first novel.

Read more about the review by clicking here.