Nic Carey Attended His Book Signing Event in Gozo

Nic Carey Attended His Book Signing Event in Gozo

Author Nic Carey of the amazing book The Boy Who Talks to Animals, attended his book signing and talk event held on 8th February 2020 at Folk Museum in Qala, Gozo. Several people attended the event and got entertained by the author’s talk. Fans of Nic Carey got a chance to meet him and receive the signed copies of his book.

The Boy Who Talks to Animals is a general fiction about an autistic boy who could communicate with animals. The book, though fiction, is an acknowledgement of the special skills the differently-abled persons are gifted with. Get a copy of this beautiful read here.   

Having been born in Wokingham, Berkshire, author Nic Carey currently resides in Gozo with his wife and three pet dogs. Nic Carey studied architecture from Manchester University and his daughter is an interior designer.