Paul Carlin Features on the Nottingham Local News

Paul Carlin Features on the Nottingham Local News

Nottingham Local News have run a feature on Paul Carlin and his book 'A Soldier's Return'. Follow this chilling story as you battle between the past and present as the former shadows of what was decide to return home.

This is a ghost story which has its roots in the First World War. Lawyer James Allenby has inherited Langrick Manor, a gothic mansion forsaken by all and reputed to be haunted. On visiting the Manor, James finds his presence is vilified by the villagers who live nearby. Why don't they welcome his plans to bring the house back to life? Why do they even question whether he is legally entitled to it? What of the stories of betrayal, insanity and illegitimacy during the First World War? What has a drowning in 1916 got to do with him? And should he laugh off tales of a malevolent spirit stalking its shadowy corridors, ready to wreak vengeance for the sins of the past? Forced back to the dark days of the war and its immediate aftermath, James discovers that the answers threaten much more than his ownership of the Manor.