Post Signal Newspaper Featured an Article for  Eve of the Light

Post Signal Newspaper Featured an Article for Eve of the Light

Crowley's Post Signal newspaper featured a front-page article about our author, Yolanda Burnette, and her book, Eve of the Light. The article shared the inspiration, writing journey and success of the recently published novel. Read the news here.

Eve of the Light is a story of an inspiring young girl that grows into a strong warrior queen, tasked with protecting the light of hope for both the magic and human realms. During her journey, she finds her father, experiences love and explores her inner true nature. Read about the adventures of Eve by ordering the copy here.

Yolanda Burnette was born in the small south Louisiana town of Crowley on February 12, 1979. She is a mother of four children and a passionate educator for over twenty years. Her inspiration for the state of Louisiana is seen in her stories that lead the readers on an amazing adventure into a mythical land.