Poughkeepsie Journal features News Article about ‘Tickle Daggers’

Poughkeepsie Journal features News Article about ‘Tickle Daggers’

According to Poughkeepsie Journal Children’s book author Adrienne Anifant Schaentzler is inspired by pet bunnies. The article says that ‘Tickle Daggers’ examines a rabbit’s interactions with children overcoming personal challenges.

Furthermore, the author said that “the ‘Tickle Daggers’ will play a part in alleviating the prevalence of the social, mental and behavioral disorder among children and teenagers worldwide’.

The story is about an outcast bunny ‘Otis’ who lives in his own fear and insecurities but the moment he overcomes these feelings, he becomes this time traveling magical bunny.

He relieves the children from all around the world with the help of a flower fairy. He makes them realize that they possess within themselves the power to heal and the courage to overcome all of their fears and distress. He helps them so that they may settle, preserve and become greater and happier than they imagined.

The author, Adrienne Anifant Schaentzler has graduated from Mount Holyoke College. She has an M.A in Writing and an LL.M in International Law and Human Rights.

She is currently residing in Poughkeepsie, New York with her husband and two children.

She has also worked for numerous colleges, Universities, and non-profit organizations as a writer and speechwriter.