Review calls ‘The Quest’ a “Beautiful Collection” of Stories

Review calls ‘The Quest’ a “Beautiful Collection” of Stories

A review of Yannis Kyrlis's book ‘The Quest’ was posted on Everybody’s Reviewing, a website that posts reviews of literary works. The review talks about the stories and the author by saying “we witness again the author’s natural gift to bring dreams halfway through a piece that is pure realism”.

The book is a collection of short stories that are mysterious and abstract.

All the stories explore the space between dreams and reality. One of the stories is about a man who has lost his heart, which is discovered by an illustrator. In another one a couple finds something that calls to them, they discover it inside a dump but it has the potential to destroy their lives.

There is also a story about a young boy from Greece who is running from a dream, but that dream also holds the power to answer many questions that he has.

All 12 stories are unlike anything that you will ever read. You will have to read them yourself to experience them on a personal level. They are immersive and combine the surreal with deep emotion that is present in all of us.

Born in North of Greece, Yannis worked in the private sector. He fills his free time with reading and writing stories.

Read the review of the book by visiting the link: