Richard A. Patterson was on NBN News Discussing the True Identity of Jack the Ripper

Richard A. Patterson was on NBN News Discussing the True Identity of Jack the Ripper

Richard A. Patterson has discovered the serial killer's true name. Jack the Ripper is Francis Thompson.

Years of study have gone into Richard A. Patterson's book that reveals the true identity of London's darkest shadow. His work has not gone unnoticed and now he has appeared on NBN news where he briefly discusses his new publication. He has also appeared on other news stations. You can find the videos on his website below.

If you would like to watch the clip of Richard on NBN then please click on the link below.

Francis Thompson in 1888.
He was an ex-medical student with a dissecting scalpel, and a history of mental illness and trouble with the police. He had just broken up with a prostitute and had written about cutting women's stomachs open.
At the same time, a few yards from his refuge, a woman was knifed, as part of a spate of prostitute murders, which one coroner said was by someone who had considerable anatomical skill and knowledge.
Richard A. Patterson sets out a compelling case for English poet Francis Thompson as the prime suspect for Jack the Ripper in this must-read for Ripperologists the world over.