Sheffield Meccano Guild Journal Featured the Author Kenneth B. Senar

Sheffield Meccano Guild Journal Featured the Author Kenneth B. Senar

The author Kenneth B. Senar who penned down the book I'll Call You Pod got featured in Sheffield Meccano Guild – Journal in which he has discussed his experience as part of the Royal Air Force (RAF). Kenneth mentioned his early life at RAF, where he took extensive and stringent training to become an officer. After completing the preliminary training, he was transferred to Squadron. An insightful biography and memoirs of the author’s life that will be loved and enjoyed by all the admirers of Airforce.

The book I'll Call You Pod is a powerful autobiography of the author as a pilot in RAF. The book is solely based on his real-life experiences and memories locked up in his logbook. Kenneth intends to give detailed information and insightful view of that era to the future generations. In the novel, he has compiled the trivia of life at RAF. Find out more about his exceptionally amazing journey in this novel.

The author Kenneth B. Senar was born in Wirral. He received his education at Birkenhead School. He joined the combined cadet force at RAF and enjoyed the flight experience. He also joined his father’s engineering business. He has served on the board of the Wirral and Merseyside Chamber of Commerce and as a Special Project Manager and Technical Author for a GEC subsidiary.