Stanford Ad Featured  J. P. Roarke's Book, From the Village of Lucca

Stanford Ad Featured J. P. Roarke's Book, From the Village of Lucca

Stanford Ad featured our esteemed author, J. P. Roarke, and his book, From the Village of Lucca. The feature highly praised the quality of writing in the book, the engaging story and its mesmerizing effect on the readers.

From the Village of Lucca is a classic murder mystery featuring two brave women, Louisa and Laura. The Lawyer investigating the incident is also entangled within the web of mysteries. The story takes readers on a journey of thrill and emotions and makes the book a worthy read.

J. P. Roarke resides in the valley of Coachella, Southern California, with his wife. Lawyer by profession, he had worked nearly thirty years in courts, defending clients, training new lawyers, and running law firms in California. J. P. Roarke has written several poems and short stories in his career.