Stephen Ainley’s Book Gets a Review by Grace J Reviewerlady

Stephen Ainley’s Book Gets a Review by Grace J Reviewerlady

Book Dennis Bisskit and the Basset Hound from Beacon's Bottom by very talented, Stephen Ainley, gets reviewed by Grace J Reviewerlady on 7th February 2020. “I have relished having this in my to-be-read list, anticipating many giggles and the feel-good factor which comes with every Dennis Bisskit novel – and I was not disappointed!”, the review states. 

Dennis Bisskit and the Basset Hound from Beacon’s Bottom is the third book in the humorous series of Dennis Bisskit. The novel has two main leads, Bisskit and Blackshaw, working for the detective agency who have to safeguard a dog. Grab a copy of this jesting novel here

Having born in Birmingham, U.K, Stephen Ainley currently lives in Western Australia with his wife and an Irish terrier. After writing several short stories and articles, this book was Stephen’s first attempt at novel-writing.