Stephen Ainley Interviewed by Irish Health and Bog

Stephen Ainley Interviewed by Irish Health and Bog

Irish Health and Bog interviewed Stephen Ainley. The interview took place on Sunday, the 21st of February. Irish health and Bog is a joint Nova Scotia/Dublin website. The interview constituted of questions about Stephen’s writing, his novel, short stories, the response he received on his writings, the genre he prefers, and much more. Since Stephen’s style is humorous, his interview was also embedded with humorous comments here and there. You can read Stephen Ainley’s full interview here.

Stephen Ainley served in the British Airborne in the 1970s and his novel The Dennis Bisskit Adventures also features a similar character born in 1945 on the day the war ended. Placed in a historical backdrop, the novel transports the reader to the mid 20th century. The character is called Dennis Bisskit who faces a calamity one after the other and is yet kind-hearted despite all the bad stuff happening. Bad luck doesn’t stop Dennis from taking part in various adventures till he ends up in the army. The author, Stephen Ainley, lives in Western Australia with his wife. After writing many articles and short stories, he managed to publish this novel in 2017.