Tired but Crafty Mummy Reviewed and Featured the Book Toothless Rex on Her Blog and Instagram Account

Tired but Crafty Mummy Reviewed and Featured the Book Toothless Rex on Her Blog and Instagram Account

Toothless Rex by James Griffin received a remarkable review from Tired but Crafty Mummy on 21st July 2019. She also gave a promotional shout-out to the book on her Instagram account with 1,318 followers. In her review and post, she stated that this book is all about resilience and being true to yourself. She praised James for writing the book in a rhyming style rather than a plain story. It is the best way to communicate your message while making kids learn some new words. Kids are better at remembering rhymes than a story, she added. She summed up her review by highly recommending this book to the readers.

Toothless Rex is a dinosaur born without teeth and always gets mocked by his circle. His fellows make fun of him for only making meek squeaks. Dishearted by other’s actions, he wants to escape. One day he takes a flight which changes his life forever. He finds a friend in the most unlikely place. Carrying a beautiful message of acceptance and resilience, this book is a must-read for you and your little ones.

The author James Griffin has extensive experience in writing, journalism and editing for the past 12 years.  He lives with his family in Vienna, Austria.