“Very Sweet” Children’s Book by Raymond Davies gets a Review

“Very Sweet” Children’s Book by Raymond Davies gets a Review

“The story was very sweet, and there were a lot of facts included in this fictional tale” said the review of ‘Jimmy The (House) Spider’ by Raymond Davies.

Idea for this Children’s book came about because the author wanted to teach his children and grandchildren about creatures that share their environment. He wanted them to learn how to respect them.

Arachnophobia, or fear of spiders, is present in children as well as adults. Spiders that live in our homes become victims of this phobia unjustly.

To dispel that fear, the author has created this adventurous story about the friendly spider named Jimmy. Reading the story, you will see that these house spiders are harmless and there are also many other critters and creatures that are the same way and don’t deserve the treatment that humans give them.

Through the stories and illustrations, the book teaches children and adults that every living thing has a part to play.

Raymond has a passion for music and singing. He is an engineering consultant and balances his passions with work.

He currently resides in North Yorkshire with his wife, 5 children and 8 grandchildren.

His new love is writing and he gives a lot of time to his new passion these days.

Read the whole review of the book by clicking here.