The Village praises Cas Amato’s ‘Rags to Rags’

The Village praises Cas Amato’s ‘Rags to Rags’

‘Rags to Rags’ appeared in an issue of The Village last year, accompanied by an article. The author, Cas Amato, spoke to the publication and gave his views on the book and writing process.

“It took me about two or three months in total. There was no writer’s block because the story is all there” said the author when talking about the time he needed to complete the book.

In a way, he found it easy to write because the story was already present in his head in the form of experiences and memories.

The whole thing began when Cas thought about all the celebrities writing their memoirs and he believed that he should write down his own. When he began writing, he started having doubts and even his family said that it was a folly.

But he continued because he believed that he had a story to tell.

The resulting read is full of quirky stories, travels, successes and failures that this ordinary man has lived through.

He has left all his odd jobs behind and currently working as an Export Manager. He belongs to an Italian family but was born and brought up in England. This amusing book will interest many readers.

You can read the complete feature by clicking on the following link: