‘Worth It!’ by Reet Mann Reviewed by Dr. Joe Vitale

‘Worth It!’ by Reet Mann Reviewed by Dr. Joe Vitale

The famous spiritual teacher, Dr Joe Vital, who appeared in the movie ‘The Secret’ reviewed Reet Maan’s biography ‘Worth It!’.  He referred the book as captivating and mesmerizing.

‘Worth It!’ is a book about the journey of a Heer Shergill towards spiritual enlightenment. When the perfect life of Heer starts crumbling down, she tries to reach out for help but comes back empty-handed. Later on, she discovers what she has been looking for all-around lies within herself.   She connects with the infinite power and learns to let go and respect herself.

Reet Mann strongly believes that we all carry light within ourselves and within ourselves, we can find the key to happiness. She believes no matter how hard lie is, we can all rise above it and find contentment.
