My cold, soaked, naked body was exposed, and I immediately knew I was in danger. As my lip began to quiver and involuntarily protrude, I became drenched with an overwhelming, instant yearning for my mum. Yet no sound would escape my mouth, so I stood there cornered like a mouse surrounded by the steal of a trap set to spring at any moment just waiting to secure me in its unforgiving clutches. My startled, fearful eyes only minutely reflecting the implosion that had just been detonated within my inner sanctum. I was rigid with fear as my body stiffened; my mind silent offering no guidance to navigate its way to a place of safety. I was defenceless, weak, alone and oh how his salivation seemed to intensify. This was one of those acute moments in time where the lens ultimately sharpens its focus and the shutter snaps rapidly. The question is: had you orchestrated this moment to quench your sordid desires and are you about to make the most heinous decision that will manifest into a lifetime of Blame, Shame & Guilt? I close my eyes and silently pray that I will be spared the torment.