This is a collection of saviours
Without whom I would not have survived
It tells tales
About heartbreak so severe one wasn’t sure one would survive it
And of losing, and therefore feeling lost
Losing, and therefore feeling empowered
It’s about wanting to get better, but not sure if one ever can.
This collection will prove that it is possible
But that it is okay to feel like it isn’t
I know because
When the flood came
The words taught me how to float
When the waves tossed me around
I already knew how to fly
Dancing Seas, by the Danish writer Laura Aakjær, is composed of more than a hundred autobiographical poems divided into the themes of ‘Falling’, ‘Floating’ and ‘Flying’.
Laura’s poems, most of them a few lines long, use their position on the page to enhance the impact of her precisely chosen words. Despite their brevity, they manage to encompass a wide variety of moods: from profound grief to swooning ecstasy; from a delicate wistfulness to a raging defiance.