This delightful and imaginative diary is narrated by Douglas, a dog who embarks on a narrowboat journey with his human ‘pets’. Douglas recounts his adventures from his unique canine perspective, bringing humor and whimsy to the tale.
Written in engaging diary format, Douglas shares daily events of the journey in his own words. His creative descriptions – referring to the narrowboat as his ‘long-kennel’, the car as his ‘short-kennel’, lifts as ‘magic cupboards’, and more – add a fun touch. As an observant narrator, Douglas provides thoughtful insights into the people and places encountered along the way, while also delighting in simple pleasures like walks, playing ball, and goose droppings. Douglas’ affectionate bond with his Pets shines through.
Enhanced by a map and illustrations, Douglas chronicles the English countryside and villages along the winding canals and rivers. This creative and charming travelogue will appeal to dog lovers, canal boat enthusiasts, or anyone who enjoys a heartwarming tale of adventure and friendship. Douglas is a captivating guide on this 500-mile narrowboat voyage around the Pennine Ring.