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Escape or Perish-bookcover

By: John Stanley Weekes

Escape or Perish

Pages: 290 Ratings: 5.0
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This book is the product of inspiration and motivation. The inspiration came in night visions upon my bed, when the Lord revealed to me events that shall shortly come to pass, beginning with the rapture of His Church, when Christ shall appear in the clouds and take his chosen people, those in the grave and those alive, to live with him in Heaven forever.

“For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we who are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.”

But alas, soon after the rapture, there will be widespread universal unrest, lawlessness and destruction, resulting in the utter breakdown of governments throughout the world during a period designated the great tribulation. Therefore, the motivation for this work, shrouded in allegory, is to inform, to caution and exhort all who may read it, to prepare to meet our God. Because the rapture will usher in a period of darkness, famine, hunger and out-of-control violence, a world in which men shall seek death but death itself will flee from them. One such symbol is that of the rider of the pale horse. “And I looked and behold, a pale horse, and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”

Dr Weekes is a barrister-at-law of Lincoln’s Inn, London, England, and doctor of theology and religious education, United Bible College and Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida.

Over the last twenty years, Dr Weekes has dedicated his life to the studying, preaching and teaching of God’s word, in keeping with the royal commission to, “Go ye, and teach all nations.” (Mt. 28:19)

He is the pastor/founder of Gateway to Heaven Church.

Apart from Escape or Perish, Dr Weekes has also authored Understanding the Doctrine of The Trinity, Understanding Forgiveness, Understanding the Existence of God, and also Cry Out My Soul, Book II, Compilation of Poems and Short Stories, War of the Worlds, a novel concerning the origin of the universe, its people and its diversity, and lastly, Golden Nuggets of Sacred Songs and Solos Book II, a compendium of sacred songs and solos.

Customer Reviews
2 reviews
2 reviews
  • Film Hatch Studio

    3 Germay Dr UNIT 4-
    1792Wilmington, DE 19804,
    Book has a marketable price.
    Available worldwide through some bookselling sites
    Conforme Stephen Stone
    Book Reviewer
    Richard Rodriguez
    Market Research
    Sebastian Moller
    Editor in Chief
    Author Name : Dr. John S. Weekes Date : 06/02/2021
    Phone Number : 447910017635 Book Title : Escape or Perish: The Rapture
    Email Address : [email protected] ISBN : 9781643140469
    A+ Cover Cover Professionally done.
    A+ Grammar Exceptional Vocabulary
    A+ Research No conflicting established information found
    A+ Writing Style The voice and the creative technique of the writer really reveals his wisdom and feelings
    that awakens the readers to the truth of God and the coming end of the world.
    CONTENT - Plot Development Not Applicable
    A+ Overall Comment I can easily see myself rereading this book again and again, especially when I feel lost in life.
    “Escape or Perish: The Rapture” is an exceptionally evoking read that rouses
    readers into accepting the inevitable end of all days. Bringing awareness to
    mankind, Dr. John S. Weekes is upfront and brave in his tale. Whether you
    deem yourself righteous or you are apathetic to the words of God, everyone
    will receive the same judgment. Hope-molding and self-preserving, Weekes
    instills the art of preparedness for mankind and live a fulfilling life that is
    ready to face Death at any given moment. The book is filled with wisdom
    that will surely equip the readers with the information to the doom that is fearful and evil.

  • John Weekes

    I believe that Dr. Weekes indeed had a vision from God to write this profound revelation. The book is a must-read for all who have accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. When they do, they will see the persistence of God on Dr. Weekes to bring His message of this nature obediently is a must for today’s world. This literary work is not only for Christians but for all others. Dr. Weekes’ work to my mind is a prophetic utterance coined to echo “The Revelation of God for the 21st Century.” To bring the church out of hopelessness into God-consciousness
    The Almighty has used the aptitude and remarkable capacity of intelligence He has given to Dr. Weekes in the Military, Jurisprudence, and Theology to make relevant the presentation of His message for this time. The quickness of Dr. Weekes’ mental power is throughout his work; and will propel all readers to finish reading and agility to act positively.
    Dr. Weekes has adequately described the sensualism of the church of Christ of this time. Instead of the Catholic Church proclaiming the Holy Scriptures with the anointing and power given to it in the Great Commission, which is “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matt. 28:19 – 20 NIV). Dr. Weekes calls for the campaign for self-aggrandizement to come to an end. Reboot to its central mandate, keeping its eye on the main reason God sent Amos to Bethel (Amos 7), and why Jesus came to be the world’s Shepherd and Savior (John 10).
    Today, “The Southern Baptists Church, the country’s biggest Protestant denomination in the US, is accused of “Reading God’s Word like a Poem, Not an Instruction Manual.” One former leader of the US is dubbed during his term in office, refers to himself as God’s chosen ones, a theory fully endorsed by a segment of Christ church.

    Dr. Weekes’ expresses a grim manifestation of the present-day church in Chapter Five. He was led to associate its condition to the seven churches in Ephesus, Revelation 2 – 3. Hence, Dr. Weekes calls for the urgent need of the church to immediately restart its mission to exemplify the service of God based on Paul’s warning to the Roman church that was dead in its sin. And points to its birth that first began in Jesus Who pressed the original switch of reconciliation (see Rom. 6:11).

    There is a strong challenge from Dr. Weekes to all readers to discover the Lord’s presence in him to interpret the visionary messages of Daniel and Revelation in this graphic, challenging, and theological manner. He knows that the obedient church will not experience such since it will be already raptured (see Rev. 6: 9-11; 7). Dr. Weekes closes his discourse to my mind mirroring the great tribulation of Daniel (very vividly:24 - 27; Revelation 6 – 18); and that mentioned by Jesus in Mathew 24:15.

    After reading Dr. Weekes’ work, Christians will resolve to remain in the Holy Spirit’s envelopment, with the knowledge that they are safe and secure. In contrast, the others will avoid wanting to die and not dying because death is running away from them, thus avoiding the second.

    Escape or Perish: The Second death by Dr. Weekes has a front place in the apocalyptic field.

    Ven. Dr. Alson B H Percival Ph.D. (Theology)

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