Best Book Publishers UK | Austin Macauley Publishers

By: Bethan Jones


Pages: 192 Ratings:
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King Richard is on a crusade. Prince John will do anything to take England from him. Someone must take a stand. Marian has been running from her past and started a new life in Nottingham. When the Sheriff dies unexpectedly, her world changes forever. The new Sheriff puts not only Marian but the whole of Nottingham in danger. She must confront her past and step up to protect Nottingham when no one else will. Along the way, Marian makes friends as well as enemies. She meets an old acquaintance, Robin Hood, but things are not what they used to be. They have vastly different lives and responsibilities. Can they overcome their differences and work together? Can Marian be the leader everyone needs? Will she finally find peace?

Bethan Jones has a passion for history and writing. She has always been fascinated by the legend of Robin Hood, which led her to research medieval history and from there has developed a love for visiting historic sites. This and her imagination have led her to write a new take on Robin Hood from a female perspective.

Bethan lives with chronic illnesses but does not let that stop her. Her writing distracts and transports her to a different world where she can delve into the lives of her characters.

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