High school life is proving difficult for the peculiar student, Pricilla Phantom – what with handsome boys, bothersome bullies, and magical mishaps! The avid adolescent can’t help but think all the misfortunes in her life are part of something greater; especially when she stumbles upon the mysterious Monochrome Book. As soon as her fingertips touched its worn leather cover, she knew something odd was resonating within. Now, with the help of her newfound friends, she can uncover the secrets of the book and unfold the hellish truths its pages contain…
After deciphering the riddle written inside, the girl discovers the enchanted world that was tucked away within the pages of monochrome. Now facing a greater challenge, Pricilla has found out she is the only soul who can save the magical world of Phantom Grail. Here’s the catch… she needs to conquer a demon overlord!
No one knows what endeavours the preppy pupil must face next, but one thing for sure: you can never judge a book by its cover…