With the enchanting backdrop of Lake Starnberg as its setting, the novel features Alexandra ‘Sasha’ Strauss, a young woman of Japanese and German descent, who finds herself on the cusp of love and career. As she tutors the challenging daughter of Marie Nyman and Arabella Cooper during her last year of university, Sasha’s path unexpectedly crosses that of the enigmatic French-Canadian film producer, Dominique Thibault.
Dominique, a woman with a mysterious past, is collaborating with the renowned director Juliette Simon on a film located in a run-down hotel on the south side of the lake.
Sasha, an aspiring professional photographer, seizes the opportunity to intern as a stills photographer on their set.
Amid the glitz and glamour of the movie world, an undeniable attraction ignites between the ambitious intern and the aloof producer.
As Sasha and Dominique navigate their growing feelings, secrecy becomes paramount. However, when Sasha is framed by a malicious individual on set, Dominique’s response shatters their delicate trust. Can they overcome the pain and rebuild what they once had, or will their love be lost forever?