Despite its quirky title, this is a serious and moving book about the ways of the shaman and how they can be applied to life in the modern world. The author speaks from her experience in learning and teaching, and presents the methods in an engaging, sometimes humorous, and personal way.Nicola describes topics such as science and the essence of shamanism, the body’s energy field, as well as practical paths to take, such as the medicine wheel, nature painting, treasure maps, vision quests and breathing and meditation.Written in a light-hearted way, this book encourages us to know ourselves honestly, empowering us to take the opportunity to be the difference in our lives rather than thinking someone else or something else needs to change. A very readable and useful addition to the self-help genre.Yes, Shaman Can Wear Jeans is a very readable self-help book about the spiritual methods used by the ancient tribal shaman, with specific application to the modern technological world and relationship problems. With sections on breathing and meditation, our authentic selves, energy and shadows, and how our beliefs shape our actions, the author draws on her own extensive experience as a shaman, using entertaining and moving examples of real-life situations. The quirky title gives a flavour of the writing, which treats this serious subject in an approachable manner. – Press release
Nicky began her Shamanic journey in her early twenties. She appreciates that applying this wisdom to daily life is a continuous path of refining, improving and becoming more consciously aware. She knows the gold medal is waking up to how much power we each have to make a difference in our lives.
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