Otto Papesch
Otto Papesch was my father. I was four years old when he died. I asked myself for years what kind of a human being he was. I have attempted to paint a picture of that handsome, charismatic, cultivated, professional chemical engineer, enthusiastic sportsman, photographer and family man by basing myself on the vast correspondence that still exists, his diary of 1917, stories about him from my mother and grandparents and the innumerable photos he took over the years. This has been an attempt to describe his prominent characteristics but also shed light on his dilemmas and the contradictions in his personality and thereby to describe the important events of his short life. Would his destiny have been different had he been born a year later?
Part of the Family
An inspiring story of one family’s journey through the British care system, from the point of view of a foster carer. It tells of the funny, challenging, and often harrowing times of living life in an ever-changing household of temporary children.
Steering a course through the muddy waters of the care system has provided many obstacles but has overall proved to be a rewarding and heart-warming experience for the author.
Children who find themselves removed from their birth families are thrust into a system which, although trying its best, is so often lacking in the love and good quality nurturing they deserve.
As a society, we need to look at the way we deal with vulnerable children.
Problem Solving For Individuals and Companies
This book is a life-changing experience that will project yourself forward by solving problems at all levels both for individuals and companies.
You will find that it entitles you to further enhance your lifestyle with increased opportunities as well as health improvements.
It will also propel you into something that allows you to escape from all types of problems that have perhaps held you back from moving forward, in assisting you to achieve the life that you desire. This will also explain the magic and power that can be achieved from the universe, as well as teach you how to negotiate anything that you desire.
You will also begin to understand and use the hidden untapped power that lies within you.
Psalms Together: A Journey of Faith
This book is based on the Psalms which is one of the most well-known parts of the Bible.
It is formed of a number of weekly studies from March 2020 at the beginning of lockdown, to strengthen, encourage and bless those receiving the studies in their Christian faith during that time. The studies continue and there is more to come!
Each chapter title begins with an active verb for everyone to make a response as they consider their individual journeys of faith.
The book is written in an easy conversational style to encourage each reader to be able to respond to the Lord in what they are learning from each section. There are additional Bible references for further study.
It is hoped that the different human emotions, struggles, mind tangles, difficulties and circumstances found in these Psalms will encourage readers to find faith, hope, peace and joy in the Lord as they read and study. May the different emphases reflected in this book bless each reader with a unique experience on their individual journeys of faith.
Reels and Deals - Angling for Business
John Sellens, electronics and mechanical engineer, international businessman, and avid fisherman!
John’s career at Thorn EMI Electronics started in design and trials with UK Military and Defence at home and to over 100 territories globally. He became Manager of International Sales & Marketing Asia and Pacific region, later managing Thorn EMI Electronics’ corporate activities in Riyadh, residing in Saudi Arabia for several years. After senior positions in the defence industry, John’s career moved into fire and security systems becoming managing director of UTC Fire Safety Middle East based in Dubai, responsible for group business in the Middle East, Central Europe, North Africa, Central Asia, Russia and the CIS. He led a successful and motivated international team – some dedicated fishermen amongst them.
Rotting Man Goes to Town
Rotting Man Goes to Town deals with an adult relationship; which is in deep trauma from the outset of the story. Its technique is predominately dual narration, going from him to her vantage points. There are two sides to every story. Some of the language is hard-hitting, with angry scenes or mindsets, including some swearing. Political incorrectness exists in parts. The emotions are raw. It is a compelling and authentic read. It begins badly. How will it end?
The initial setting is in America, with flashbacks to Britain, meant to counter the: hurt, sadness and anger, by the use of the device of injecting past comedic episodes. Levity and tragedy are seen in animal antics. Thus, the humorous scenes are meant to bring a balance to the novel overall.
With the exception of the animals’ names, which remain true, all human names have been changed.
Shakib Arsalan’s Why Muslims Lagged Behind and Others Progressed
In the fall of 1928, the Imam of Java, a certain Mohammad Basyuni Imran, had a letter delivered to the Lebanese author and scholar, Shakib Arsalan. In his letter, Basyuni Imran requested Arsalan to explain the reasons for the backwardness of Muslims of the time compared to other nations. Furthermore, Basyuni asked Arsalan to suggest what they need to do to join the ranks of nations that have overtaken them and, in many cases, rule over them.
Arsalan published his response in a series of articles written for the Cairo-based Islamic journal, Al-Manar. Subsequently, these articles were combined and published in a book in 1930 with the title: Why did Muslims lag behind? And why did others progress?
In his response, Arsalan begins with an analysis of what has gone wrong. He addresses the belief of some that Islam is to blame for the backwardness of Muslims. He goes on to give examples of how advanced nations progressed while holding firmly onto their religious beliefs.
In simple, elegant prose, Arsalan takes the reader on a fascinating walk through history. There are references to pre-Islamic times and the early Islamic period, French colonialists in North Africa and their efforts to convert Muslim populations to Christianity, goings on in the British Houses of Parliament on the issue of transubstantiation, and much more.
The latter part of the book has examples of recent (1930s and earlier) achievements of Muslims when they set their minds on doing something.
It is a measure of the merit and excellence of Arsalan’s words that his book has never been out of publication. It remains among Arabic speakers as popular and relevant today as at the time it was first published almost a century ago.
Ever wondered about the mystery of creation? Do you often feel like there’s more to life than what you’ve been told? There is! Dive deep into the magical stories of love, adversity and adventure. Join the journey of a Sun named Shine as he asks the Very First Question and is presented with a peculiar answer. Follow along with the adventure of a Magician and a Fairy Queen who intend to save their town by reminding the King that love is stronger than fear. Transform with a Secret Keeper who must decide if keeping secrets is his True Purpose and learn, ponder and explore universal concepts such as the Law of Attraction, the Chakras, the Star Signs, Intuition and the Elements as you discover things you didn’t know you knew!
Every single person on the planet has within themselves a unique gift, something valuable and priceless to share with the world. Let these poems remind you of what lies dormant within your heart. Be brave enough to accept your light and let…it…SHINE.
Something magical happens when you let your heart lead the way. -
Swimming through the reeds
This brilliant self-help book is designed to assist each one of us to conquer our own particular problems, and ‘Smile... Just one smile can make a difference' as Victoria explains.
Throughout this book, a feeling of peace, hope and an uplifting momentum grows with each page and imbues the reader until its genuine calming and morale-lifting impetus is thoroughly absorbed and the healing commences.
Happiness and confidence starts with a wonderful chain reaction in our individual dealings with our own problems and creating a kindness and caring for others that can travel right around the world.
So read this and find your own new and wonderful dreams and achieve amazing things! -
Take a Seat
This book encompasses the fascinating 40 year journey in life of someone who just wasn’t your average practicing GP, but someone whose passion and drive were to use his skills and medical ability to bring quality of life to every patient that crossed his path.
He thrives on challenges in every situation and circumstance. Wherever there was a medical need, however big or small, he would jump to take it on! Whatever the complex medical condition was, in whatever culture or country he was operating in, whether in a war zone, an aircraft carrier, an Aboriginal township in Australia, or a community GP practice in Essex, he thrived and wanted to make a difference!
Many of the episodes in this book have been the catalyst of the diverse and interesting career, which have kept many a dinner party enthralled, amused, admired and envied.
Every memoir depicts the enthusiasm and need of the author to achieve the overall ambition … ‘to bring a quality of life’ to all humans that needed his medical help in the best possible way… and to give the reassurance and empathy to make them ‘feel they matter’ and ‘quality of life is essential and priceless’ whatever the circumstance prevails!
The Bitterest PLC To Swallow
If you’ve ever worked in a pub, currently work in one, or simply have an interest in the history and evolution of pubs, Neil’s book is a must-read. In this insightful and entertaining memoir, Neil shares his experiences and observations about working in local estate pubs during a time when they were the heart and soul of their respective communities.
Through humorous anecdotes and blunt opinions, Neil highlights the many challenges faced by pub owners and workers in the modern era. From policies that leave him screaming to people who make him swear, Neil pulls no punches in his assessment of the pub industry.
The book also explores the transformation of local estate pubs into modern-day branded establishments, such as curry houses and convenience stores. Neil’s revelations are sure to surprise and shock readers, and may even cause them to question the value and quality of the food and drink they pay for in these establishments.
But it’s not all doom and gloom. Neil takes readers on a trip down memory lane, revisiting the fun pubs of the 80s before they became bitter PLCs. Through Neil’s vivid storytelling, readers will laugh, cringe, and even taste the history of these once-beloved establishments.
In the end, Neil offers his take on what happened to pubs and what they have become. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history and evolution of pubs, and may just make you think twice about where you choose to spend your hard-earned wages.
The Gift
This is a fascinating story full of hope and passion for a worthy cause. The author has managed to capture a sad story and give it hope, humor, and humility. It is an entertaining and interesting memoir which is strengthened by the author’s personable and engaging authorial voice. There is a striking honesty to the work that allows the reader to elate in the joys and challenges of the author. It is a true case of finding hope in a seemingly hopeless situation. It is written in an accessible and immersive manner with detailed context that transports the reader into the author’s personal journey as well as his career. The book evokes a sense of empathy in the reader. It is enjoyable, thought-provoking, educational and inspirational. This is a lesson for all of us that there is faith, hope and love in some of the darkest moments we go through in our lives.