America Tonight Interviewed Our Author Kathryn Kennedy

America Tonight Interviewed Our Author Kathryn Kennedy

Our author, Kathryn Kennedy, was interviewed by Kate Delaney for America Tonight, discussing her new children’s book, A-Z of Animal Collectives. While talking to Kate Delaney, she shared her research method, the reason for writing, and the overwhelming response she received on the book. The interview is available here.

The Book, A-Z of Animal Collectives, is a children's book that will surely kindle the love of reading and learning new words in your child. The book is filled with a collection of humorous yet unknown collectives of nouns for animals. The book is filled with 26 short verse poems that will promote creativity in young readers. Get your copy here.

Kathryn Kennedy lives in western New South Wales, Australia, with her five children. She successfully runs a function centre and lodge in her historic Edwardian hotel. She is passionate about learning and is currently working on her second release.