A Book of Rather Strange Animals by Caleb Compton Received an Excellent Review from Vice Chair of WWF Canada, Ziya Tong
Ziya Tong, Vice Chair WWF Canada and a TV personality shared a five-star review of A Book of Rather Strange Animals by Caleb Compton. She appreciated the wonderful introduction to biodiversity the book offers. She also praised the book as an eye-opening guide to life.
A Book of Rather Strange Animals is a marvel of majestic biodiversity with hundreds of extraordinary animal species found around the globe. An amazing book about animals with intriguing narratives of strange feeding habits, peculiar mating rituals and wicked defence tools.
Caleb Compton grew up watching nature documentaries with his family presented by the great Sir David Attenborough. He graduated from Redruth, Cornwall in biosciences. In 2016, he completed his degree from the University of Exeter with majors in Animals. In 2013, he created a Twitter account about Strange animal which grew a massive following to the extent that now it is one of the most popular animal accounts on Twitter. The popularity of that account led to the publication of A Book of Rather Strange Animals.