Children’s Author Susan McGovern featured by Dundalk Democrat

Children’s Author Susan McGovern featured by Dundalk Democrat

Susan McGovern was featured by the local Irish newspaper, Dundalk Democrat, for her children’s book, The She Team. The news post described the launch of her book on March 6 at the McAteer’s Food House. The Dundalk Democrat is a local newspaper for the Dundalk area, which is located in the Louth county of Ireland. You can read more about the launch here.

The book, The She Team., is a children’s read about a group of cats and dogs. They are all females and have all suffered mistreatment from humans. They decide to stand up for themselves and use their superpowers to help other animals who are being abused. In the beginning, it is hard for the team of four cats and one dog to get along, but soon they find that the power of unity is far greater than they had ever imagined.

Susan McGovern is a children’s author who lives in Ireland. She has two cats and a dog who are the inspiration for the characters in The She Team. Her grandchildren also have a cat on whom a character from the book was based.