‘The electrophile’ features a book review for beauty redefined

‘The electrophile’ features a book review for beauty redefined

The electrophile website has featured a book review about Seline Shenoy’s new book, ‘Beauty Redefined’. The review quotes the inspiration of the author as, ‘My objective in writing this book was to give you the right perspective and tools to enable you to derive a sense of worthiness from qualities and deeds beyond the superficial’.

This is a book about Shenoy’s personal experiences with her body and how she recounts the grooming of her own body image and the struggles that she had to do in accordance with the modern beauty standards. She speaks on behalf of all of the women who are not alone in this race of meeting the society’s definition of beauty.

Shenoy takes us on this mind provoking and interesting journey of different cultures and different eras, explaining the standards of beauty which were considered at that time and place. She says that not much has changed since then as the women still can go to any extent to satisfy their needs of looking beautiful and this phenomenon is not new.

She says that now the standards are gradually changing and women are accepting themselves for who they are and however they look which is a really positive sign.

The author, Seline Shenoys is a podcast host and is a motivational speaker. She is the founder of The Dream Catcher- a blog community that connects and encourages people to live their dream lives.

Read out more about the review by clicking here.