Excelle Magazine features Ken Melber and 'A Brush With Chaos' in Their January Issue

Excelle Magazine features Ken Melber and 'A Brush With Chaos' in Their January Issue

Make sure to grab the next issue of Excelle Magazine, as local author Ken Melber and his book 'A Brush With Chaos' features on its pages. This story of one travelling teacher is once incredible journey any reader would love to sink into.

Karl and Anna consider themselves to be veterans of Africa, having spent three years teaching in Uganda during the brutal despotic rule of Idi Amin Dada.
In this semi-autobiographical novel set in the 1970s, they take a teaching post in Nigeria, with the promise of adventure, a high wage, affordable help and the allure of the African pace of life. Were they brave or foolhardy? Perhaps a bit of both. Before leaving, Karl receives a letter from an old friend with the warning to ‘Remember, Nigeria is not Uganda,' which he elects to withhold from Anna who is pregnant with their first child.
Living in a remote area of central Nigeria, in a house without electricity and running water, they both need and find the resilience to help them cope with their struggles with culture shock, maladministration, chaos, apathy, violence and bribery, interspersed with moments of humour, happiness and joy.