Miriam Sarin Explores 'The Test' on BBC

Miriam Sarin Explores 'The Test' on BBC

In an engaging interview, Miriam Sarin takes listeners on a captivating journey into the heart of her latest work, The Test. The interview, featured on BBC, provides a unique insight into the world of myths, legends and a forgotten realm that forms the backdrop of Sarin's spellbinding narrative. You can listen to the interview here.

In The Test, readers follow the life of Bek, a sixteen-year-old facing the ordinary struggles of school and a challenging home life. However, Bek's world is forever altered when she unwittingly sets an ancient test in motion, granting her godlike powers and revealing an unseen world around her. You can get the book here.

Miriam Sarin, whose love for storytelling was passed down by her grandad, has crafted a narrative that weaves together elements of fantasy and adventure. From her background in theatre to her pursuit of creative writing, Sarin's journey culminated in 'The Test,' sparking a new chapter in her literary career.