Outstanding Review of EJ Goldberg Philips' No One Will Hear You Scream by Online Book Club

Outstanding Review of EJ Goldberg Philips' No One Will Hear You Scream by Online Book Club

Our gifted author EJ Goldberg Phillips' No One Will Hear You Scream received an excellent review by Online Book Club. The reviewer praised the engaging storyline and flawless characterization, meanwhile recommending the book to readers. Read the full review here.


No One Will Hear You Scream is an adult crime-thriller that follows the successful author, Ruby Latimer, searching for a perfect end to her latest masterpiece. The passion took her on an unexpected path that she never expected. The novel gives insights into Ruby's book, providing readers with a unique rollercoaster of emotional experience.


EJ Goldberg-Phillips is a veteran author from Australia with years of writing experience. He is a highly skilled and imaginative writer. His work often depicts the grim and messier side of human psychology.