Quadrant Journal reviews Feiko Bouman’s ‘Urban Peasant: A Haphazard Chronicle’

Quadrant Journal reviews Feiko Bouman’s ‘Urban Peasant: A Haphazard Chronicle’

The Australian Literary and cultural journal ‘Quadrant’ reviews Feiko Bouman’s latest published book, ‘Urban Peasant: A Haphazard Chronicle’. The review says about the book, ‘Urban Peasant follows the familiar immigrant experience genre of displacement, struggle to find an identity in a new land, return and adjustment.’

The book deals with the stories of migrant, following the post-World War 2 era, the six weeks traveling to the Great Southern Land through beautiful and exotic landscapes along the way.

This includes the author’s experiences from the ‘60s with behind the scene stories of the world of architecture. From the Stockman’s Hall of Fame to the extravagant opening of the author's building in Long reach by Queen Elizabeth, the stories of the book are really fascinating and enjoyable.

Bouman’s travels around Australia in search of urbanity and rediscovers the land of his mother tongue to check out what his contemporaries in Groningen had been up to during his casual 60-year absence.

This is a chronicle, only mildly chaotic; a kind of memoir.

The author, Feiko Bouman moved to Australia after World War 2. He got his education there and completed his degree in architecture at the University of New South Wales.

He was known as a successful architect across Australia. Recently he has published some books about architecture, his experiences as an atheist migrant child and revisiting his old country to check out what his old friends are up to.