Red Headed Book Lover Reviewed ‘Obsession… You Will Always Be Mine’ by Paul Philips

Red Headed Book Lover Reviewed ‘Obsession… You Will Always Be Mine’ by Paul Philips

Recently, a review has been put up on Red Headed Book Lover about the thrilling book, ‘Obsession… You Will Always Be Mine’, authored by Paul Philip. The review has very carefully described the book as a real page-turner. Following the struggling life of a rock star. Furthermore, the review has put the limelight on Paul Phillips and his exceptional way of storytelling. This is a book that readers will not be able to put down.

‘Obsession… You Will Always Be Mine’, is a thriller with twists turns and chills. Depicting the life of a rock star Aaron Taylor, after the band split up into different directions. Aaron loses to the struggles of life and problems occurring in his personal life. He is to balance out a way to keep his family being a target of allegations regarding stories only a few know including Aaron. Some life-changing decision will have to be made. On the other hand, Kelly Conner is head over heels for Aaron and hoped that Aaron will come back to her, but her faith is shaken. With her patience growing thin each day her anger and frustration are becoming an issue. Aaron has to think quick as time is running out.

Paul Philips is a first time writer. He lives with his wife, who is obsessed with the lives of celebrities and celebrity news. He gets all this inspiration from her and has written this amazing book ‘Obsession You Will Be Mine’.

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