Robert Derry's Book Reviewed on The Bookish Hermit Blog

Robert Derry's Book Reviewed on The Bookish Hermit Blog

Robert Derry’s book, The Waterman, was reviewed by The Bookish Hermit blog. The review praised the book’s focus on detail and how realistic the events were portrayed in the book. The ghost story kept you on your toes as you were never quite sure what would happen next. A thrilling, fascinating read; the reviewer commended the author's attention to historical detail and research. You can read the review in full here.

The Waterman is a fascinating tale of two different men, both plagued by the same nightmares. The hair-raising ghost story features a waterman from seventeenth-century London who lives under a bridge but in the minds of its victims. The story will keep you on the edge of your seat, guessing where it takes its next twisted turn.

Robert Derry professionally is a Human Resources consultant from Somerset, England. He worked in the city of London, near the River Thames, which is the setting of his novel, The Waterman. He enjoys watching British and American football. He is married and has two children.