‘Zac Von Stick’ is “a Sweet Book” says a review

‘Zac Von Stick’ is “a Sweet Book” says a review

Kenneth Caldwell’sZac Von Stick’ was recently reviewed by Literature Approved. The review called the book “sweet” and praised the heartfelt message of the book. This review was also posted on Amazon.

The story is about a dog that has to leave the home that he loves.

He is sent to live in a new place and only thing that makes him comfortable is the stick that he carries with him.

He feels sad because he had to leave his family behind.

Now, he has to live with new parents and that is very scary.

The family attributes of the story and are explained very well.

Beautiful illustrations accompany the story and children can clearly see the dog carrying around his stick in every image.

Kenneth hails from Glasgow. He is married and has a son. 11 years ago, his family owned a Weimaraner breed dog named Mardi.

The family lost Mardi about a year ago. The loss was felt heavily and another dog was rescued in his memory.

This new dog was named Zac, and he inspired the story of the book. Zac’s journey and the help he provided to the family in a tough time is brilliantly captured in this children’s book.

To read the detailed review please visit this page or the Amazon page.