Jake, a young boy with a head of blonde curls and twinkling blue eyes, thrives on the thrill of excitement. Unlike most, his adventures unfold in the magical realm of dreams that come to life each night. Once the lights dim and his eyes gently close, Jake either steps back into an ongoing adventure or embarks on a new one awaiting his arrival. Along his nocturnal journeys, he befriends a whimsical cast of characters, be they animals or people, each sharing his zest for the magical adventures in which they find themselves involved.
As daylight beckons, Jake’s anticipation grows for the nightly quests that lie ahead, making him possibly the only boy who eagerly awaits bedtime. Among his myriad of dreams, the allure of piracy beckons, yet, in the fantastical world of dreams, pirates may not always be the swashbuckling figures he imagines, and the ordinary often becomes extraordinary.
Daytime becomes a quest for knowledge to aid the night to come.
As Jake sails through his dream-driven adventures, he invites you to explore, what realms do your dreams transport you to?