A mischievous young prankster, Tim lives a quiet, ordinary life in a secluded village riddled with rumours and unanswered questions. But when these intriguing rumours draw Tim and his friends, Skiv and Nickel, to the house of their crotchety old neighbour, Mr Tarry, they are plunged headfirst into a labyrinth of disturbing secrets. A terrible tragedy has carved its mark upon Mr Tarry, and Tim unwittingly makes it his mission to explore the dark crevices of his tortured mind and find answers to his questions.
Why is Mr Tarry so mysteriously reclusive?
What secrets does the decaying overgrown house hide?
And who or what has shattered Mr Tarry’s mind and heart?
As Tim is drawn deeper and deeper into Mr Tarry’s past, he begins to understand that not everything is always as it seems, and some broken hearts will never heal.
And the ultimate cost of ascension is a high one.