The Widow’s Song
In The Widow’s Song, Donna Lloyd takes you on a personal journey through the loss of a loved one. As a widow herself, she speaks of the difficult and lonely path that many women find themselves walking when their life suddenly reduces to ‘one.’
Taking six widows from the bible, the book looks at their experiences and discusses what, as widows today, we can learn from them, offering hope and encouragement to anyone facing this most difficult situation. It is a reflective look at widowhood in a time when you are at your lowest and most vulnerable, but it strives to highlight the strength that women have to go on and face the future.
The Widow’s Song is a unique and very personal rendition of a love lost and a life continuing. A song well received by the Lord and never forgotten. A song which, in time, will build the foundation of your new life.
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The Signs of God's Coming
This book is about the End of Times and the signs of God's return.
In this book I explain about the Seven Seals and how six of them have already been broken open.
We are now living in the sixth seal.
I try to explain what is coming, and how mankind needs to get his or her heart right with God before it is too late.
I am trying to warn mankind that we are living in the last days on earth.
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The Science of Religion in the Science of Life
This is a work that challenges the modern scientific world-view that nothing of any order producing significance created the ordered sum of everything. Some, however, seem to think that when they discover the means by which something came into existence this is one less thing we need God to explain, until we get to that point when we can conclude that nothing produced the ordered sum of everything. The fact is that for things to be investigated intelligently they first have to be ordered intelligently.
Moreover, a living being needs to be explained in terms of a living life-producing cause, a cause that can explain all that we predicate of the life-defining nature of their existence. We can see the origin, meaning and purpose of something in that which it has been ordered to be. Therefore, it must be dangerously naïve for scientists to suppose that living beings were ordered intelligently to reason intelligently by means that has nothing to do with intelligence and that there is no fool so foolish, as he who thinks they can be wiser than their creator.
And as we have been created to be moral beings our creator must of logical necessity be a moral being who has the ability create this ineffable life-generating effect in us, and this in turn reveals something of His purpose in creating us. To claim that all that exists has nothing to do with an intelligent and sufficient cause breaks all the laws of logic and takes us into the domain of farce and us as fools, and all to avoid that we are answerable our maker who created us moral beings.
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The Questions Put by Jesus
Questions are revealing. It is exciting, therefore, in this book to study not only how Jesus’ use of questions characterises his ministry and his style of teaching, but also how those questions reveal his train of thought as events unfold, and what they reveal about him as a person in relation to himself, his neighbour, his environment, and God. This book engages with the milieu and the different Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life. It examines 108 of his questions in some detail together with their parallels, amounting to 299 questions in all. It explores Jesus’ use of questions to promote his teaching and ministry and sometimes, more aggressively, to defend his disciples or discomfort and discredit his critics and opponents.
Hopefully, being alive to the questions put by Jesus and even wondering, perhaps, how we might answer some of them, helps to sharpen our personal beliefs.
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The Psychology of Attitude
Have you ever heard someone say ‘I don’t like your attitude!’ or ‘that person has the right attitude’? Maybe these words were said to you? What is meant when ‘attitude’ is referred to in these ways? More fundamentally, what is attitude? Where does it come from and what is its significance? This text addresses these issues and explores the linkage between the diverse stimuli that give rise to attitudes and the action arising (which may be visible or invisible, positive or negative and active or passive). All human beings have attitudes. Attitudes are a significant part of humankind’s framework – not least because they affect behaviour – but attitude is especially significant for Christians. A Christian’s attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5) – but what does that mean? The text explores Christ’s attitude and the consequent daily implications. Our tri-partite human framework and the relationship between all those factors emanating from our soul, spirit and body that combine to produce our personal attitudes are examined. Our behaviour to each other is described and contrasted with the way Christ intends us to be. This leads into an examination of Christ’s on-going attitude to humankind. Using the model provided, readers will be able to assess whether they believe they need to change their attitudes to more precisely reflect the Christian way. This text is potentially transformational in helping people examine and refine their attitudes in Christian service.
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The Miracle at the Rauza of Rasool Allah SAWW
The book The Miracle at the Rauza of Rasool Allah SAWW describes a wonderful dream that the author had. In this dream, the author is visited by numerous angels who fill him with virtues. As a citizen of the world, the author wants to share this dream with the world in order to show the reality of the dream and its message. The angels and the Jins, who are not visible to us, are real creatures who visit the Mosoulium of the Holy Imams of the Aehlebaait and the Rauza of the Rasool Allah Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa SAWW. In this book, the author describes the two angels who visited the Rauza of the Prophet of Islam Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa SAWW. The Noor – the refulgence of the light of the angels – punches a neat round hole in the brick wall and the two angels enter the Rauza through it, travelling in the air to the Rauza.
This dream is so realistic that it should be taken note of in order to lift the convictions and the faith of all people of the world.£11.99£8.39 -
The Man Who Bought a Kingdom
Jesus is one of the world’s best-known historical figures, but how well do we know him as a boy and a man? What do we know of his parents? Was his father really a poverty-stricken carpenter and his mother a simple uneducated country girl? Who were his friends and associates? What was his true message and passion? How well did he relate to the women in his life and who was ‘the disciple that Jesus loved’?
This story answers these questions and is based largely on the New Testament gospels, but with the addition of material from other sources. It contains elaborate dialogues and settings, body language and emotional content. His true message is brought to the forefront, and we see the beginning of the first church in Jerusalem. This is the Jesus story as you have never read it before! Revealing a man with incredible spiritual connection but in every other sense a real and masculine man. A man that you will want to know so much more intimately.
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The Joe Public Guide to the Roman Catholic Church
The Roman Catholic Church is the original church of Christianity and is one of the oldest institutions in the world.
It has survived for over 2,000 years and has over 1.2 billion adherents.
This book observes how the Church has transitioned from a simple structure to one of great complexity and great wealth. This wealth is examined.
The Roman Catholic Church has been responsible for many good things in this world but as this book shows, it has also been embroiled in many controversial episodes.
The accusations that it has been involved with murder, the Mafia and unscrupulous wealth creation, are all covered in this short book.
This book was written in 2019 by a non-Catholic for the benefit of other non-Catholics who have a natural curiosity regarding powerful and long-lasting institutions that have been very influential over so many people’s lives.
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The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Is your church alive? Is it on fire? Are the power and presence of the Holy Spirit something that you feel and experience when you meet to worship the Lord with your brothers and sisters in Christ? Do the services bring blessings? Is the reality of God’s presence so real that you know without a shadow of doubt that God has spoken to you and you come away feeling challenged, edified and brought closer in your relationship to the Lord?
In many churches there is evidence that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are not operating as the scriptures indicate they should, and so it is little wonder that they are bereft of the power which God wants to make manifest through His people in His church and in the world.£6.99£4.89 -
The Game of God: The Ultimate Solitaire!
The world is not as it appears. The universe and all of life is a fantasy being played out and experienced by God—with God being the only player. This is the ultimate game of solitaire! The Game of God explores this amazing game that God develops and plays as though illusion is reality, as though man and all other forms of life have their own separate lives and minds. They live in bodies, in the world; they are born, grow old, and die. Everything in the universe is held in shape by mind-patterns, and within the game God is constantly assessing play as it develops and as though it is real and not an illusion or dream. The latter part of The Game of God illustrates a fundamentally different way of playing the game of life by changing your view of yourself and others within the game. It offers explanations of how to play this fantasy game effectively, how to develop fully the character you find yourself playing at the moment, and how to express your abundance. For thousands of years man has pondered on his identity, his relationship to God, and the meaning and purpose of life, and he is still pondering. The Game of God shows how the answer to these profound questions lies within each of us.
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The Divine Exchange
We are all convinced that we are right in our beliefs, whatever they may be. I am convinced that God is good, merciful, gracious and loving. That He hates religion in every form and cannot abide legalism. I am also convinced that many Christians are living lives of quiet desperation because they believe that their salvation depends on their performance. Saved by grace, they now have to do the rest themselves. This results in, at the very least, striving, and at the worst, nervous breakdown and disillusionment.
I am convinced that because of His great love for His Bride and the price He paid to redeem her, God is making war on everything that isn’t of Him; everything that doesn’t proclaim that He is a giver first and foremost; that everything He asks of us, He first gives us…
If you think otherwise, open the book, and see if you still have the same belief system when you have studied it.
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Strong Deliverer
God told me: “Write in a book all the words I speak to you.” This book speaks candidly and openly of the darkness I fell into after the death of my beloved husband – and my subsequent disability. It details very naturally and powerfully how I was led out of that darkness, into the bright light of day. Here, I tell you with absolute sincerity how my Saviour has become, in all things, my Strong Deliverer.