The Elemental Emblems recounts and reflects on the author’s adventurous experience from Middleton Dome High School’s learning-activities, trips and family holidays, interaction, fascinations, and inspirations drawn from the five elemental symbols of nature: namely, fire, water, air, earth, and spirit. This is a growing child’s own account of how home and school acts as agent of early education and socialisation. From Michael being woken up to preparing for school, the shower clogged, dog bites, breakfast and food spilling, meeting, and making friends with Fizz who rode him to school, and camping; all these unpack the relations between children, adults, and society.
He further goes on to reveal and share the kind of interactive learning activities revolving around the elemental symbols of nature such as science and history. He goes on to capture teachers’ roles (Monica) and portray learners’ individual differences, inclusiveness and characters found in school such as the bullies, rich and smart students. For example, Ed was judged to be the smartest kid in school. All the characters in this book have one thing in common. They are friends, lovers of nature, and of the same school, united, agreeing and disagreeing in camping adventure while leaving their home and school comfort zones to the woods where they face challenges and threats to life from universe’s most powerful villain, Diabolico.